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大家在看养鬼为祸 我有一尊炼妖壶 都市透视医仙 重生战神杨戬 邪世帝尊 总裁爹地太傲娇 承天传 重生:开局成为大魔尊 九御神帝 造化血狱体 
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第65章 埃尔德里奇谷

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Not wanting to bee Dagon, the girl decided to take her own life and was buried under the sea forever.

The boy learns everything from the girl's information and takes his friends to Innsmouth.

The boy who didn't wake up to his true family of evil gods was chased by the people of Innsmouth, but later saved by a secret priest who knew about it, and the priest was happy, but the boy who didn't have it yet done. That's it. He heard the theme of the family and he saw the priest changing his normal body and running away in fear. This is the only leg I use to walk.

Finally, the boy wakes up in fear and bees part of the house of the evil fire god.

As a result, the sorcerer and his family gained great power, and 20 years later, in the underwater kingdom of Ragree, he asked Dagon to bring his brother back to life.

Dagon granted her request, but she had to play a game where only one of her sisters or the boy could make it out alive.

And when Aria spoke, he stopped.

Well, that being said, I am a demon dyed in the colors of an evil god, so if I am alive, I will know that the demon Dagon will e.


John's eyes were very hard, and his eyes spoke the answer to the devil.


No matter what happens after the resurrection, the resurrection is the child's hope. Because what happens after the resurrection, the child must stop expecting himself?

No, I don't think it should be understood that way.

I don't care who is responsible for these things. I will decide what happens.

──Are you sure the language is bad? Magicians and such are just people who are useless, like me.

The devil was worried and said plainly, don't you understand?

It is not a simple matter of his death, but an event that involves the world, and you think that evil gods and demons should not be seen.



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最近更新我就开个店,门口全是巨龙等投喂 荒神道 逼我挖骨废修,我选择成为万古仙帝 僵尸:任家镇保安,开局轰杀邪修 大爱之仙尊九转 丹道天赋为零?可我有气运加持啊 我在异世界做咸鱼大侠 万古炼神录 人世剑 都穿越了当然做魔头 玄幻:白月光抢婚?我同意你后悔什么! 逆仙伐神,从一只妖开始 不是吧?才一岁你让我带家族逆袭? 穿越后,我的科技震撼修仙界 重生归来无上剑帝 玄幻:签到一百天,出世已无敌 我,玄学大佬,靠算卦横扫豪门! 玄幻封神录 穿越异世界,遍地都是穿越者 悟性逆天:我在万界顿悟无敌法 
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