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第65章 埃尔德里奇谷

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在Eldritch Vale的编年史中,在1924年月亮减弱期间发生了一件了不起的事件。伊芙琳·布莱克伍德博士是一位着名的神秘学家,具有相当的智慧和永不满足的好奇心,他发现了一本意义重大的大部头。这个被禁忌的格里莫尔,被称为黑多姆,几个世纪以来一直在博学界和神秘学界以低声的语气窃窃私语。


To break this curse, he ran away from Innsmouth and went to a place called Miskatonic University. This crazy girl believes that the world's most secret magic research group, a library that collects magical knowledge like the Ys tribe's library, is the only way to save her. He only believed in the power of magic. Even though he has the magic to defeat death, his bloodline can't even overe the curse?

There she met a boy and fell in love with him, but she didn't know at the time that it was only through blood love. birth

The girl didn't want him to know what curse he put on her, so she kept it all hidden and he fell in love with her, but she didn't know it until they were married.

Believing in Dagon, the girl returned to Innsmouth and after learning magic, she prayed to Dagon, believing that God would answer and help her. Because he is stupid and does not know the thoughts of God and does not love God as the Bible and the Pope's books say. He, despite these myths is a more powerful group than the gods. Just a stupid animal.

The woman was wrong, God never responds to other people's ideas, and believing in Dagon's secret religion is just a delusion.

What the gods want to see and accept is not worship and faith, but cruelty and the desire to play, and all the work of God is the will of God, and is it not necessary to understand the love of God and the God's gift? ? Haha, just a joke.

The color of the evil god absorbed the woman's soul and tried to turn her into a demon, even saying that he wanted to be the god of evil love and incarnation. Even if Gambaro's magic fails, Dagon is still the source, so the soul and body of the woman will be more aware of the presence of God, and the color of God will hold it well.



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