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Wang Qiang said, "It's not a big deal, just go and kill those three giant zombies

As soon as Wang Qiang spoke, both Wang Erye and Xiao Chong nodded disapprovingly.

The conversation between the three of them made the soldiers around them all look stunned, feeling that this person is indeed like birds of a feather in a flock, and that fools are all fools together.

But the task still needs to continue. The team quickly crossed the level and entered the bat area in the western section of Cuixi District.

As he walked out a mile further, Wang Qiang suddenly slapped his head and exclaimed, "Oh no

Everyone's tiger bodies trembled and they quickly stood guard on the spot, while Yu Kuan even placed a portable missile launcher on his shoulder and scanned around.

What's so bad? "Yu Kuan asked.

I don't seem to have any weapons or equipment with me! "Wang Qiang replied shyly.


Everyone fell to the ground and cursed coincidentally, lying next door to Nimarle, what the hell is this.

Wang Qiang chuckled and said, "Forget it, use local materials, use them locally, whatever they are

All the soldiers, upon hearing Wang Qiang's words, were unprecedentedly unsure of the prospects of this operation. If it weren't for the constraints of military orders, it is estimated that none of these soldiers would be willing to continue.

Breaking towards the giant zombie and heading towards the location of Xicheng District in Cuixi District, the special operations team quickly moved in a fan-shaped reconnaissance formation. As they turned and crossed the street, Wang Qiang suddenly whispered, "Stay on guard

Everyone instinctively falls down on the spot, holding a pistol and aiming forward.

For a second, there was silence.

Two seconds, still silent.

Three seconds, still silent.



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