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The battle was tense, and the third mutated zombie had already killed all the last soldiers around him. Turning around, they besieged the two school officials, who had already occupied it evenly before suddenly tilting towards the zombie.

Upon seeing this, Sun Zaichen's face turned ugly and he said to the adjutant beside him, "Ah Hao, go help them and be careful of their safety

Obedience! "The adjutant was ordered to carry an eyebrow long staff from the side of the camp and charge forward, fighting with the third zombie.

Due to the addition of the new forces, the battle has bee increasingly intense.

Li Junhao has a very paternal demeanor. The Fengyang Bagua Stick has already gained some meaning, and I believe Li Zhan has a spirit in heaven, so I should feel relieved, "said Nian Kuang.

If Li Zhan knew that you were crazy enough to say good things to him, he would really die in peace, "Sun Zaichen said indifferently

Nian Kuang's body suddenly stiffened, and the peaceful atmosphere suddenly became somewhat eerie.

Back then, Li Zhan violated the military law, and it was the military law that killed him, not me. This matter has already been decided, why should we bring up the old story again? "Nian angrily said.

Hehe, there's no need for Nian Gong to get angry, just a few idle words. After all, in the military, you are the military law. "Sun Zaichen chuckled.

Hmm, I think my troops have almost assembled. The children have been pampered for many days, and it's time to see blood. Let's go now, "said Nian Kuang, walking straight towards the helicopter.

However, at this point, unexpected regeneration occurred.

Near the location where the helicopter was parked, four mutated zombies climbed up from the wall, shaking their snowflakes towards the direction of the mand center.



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