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第96章 不断波动

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If you want to preserve history, why not write it in modern language? If you want to convey something to others, why use words that no one understands?

So maybe this is the only language written for them to talk to wizards.

Well, I guess that's a possibility, but don't you know yourself? That is, it does not have to be inherited from the blood line. In fact, Chinese is important knowledge that is passed down from generation to generation, so there is no reason not to teach it.

it is

Xiao Ai's face turned red, and before Aria could speak, the situation changed.

What a wonderful guest, Aaliyah, are you thinking of inventing here? Did I mention this place is so happy? Maybe you want to open it and go back to God the Father?

Suddenly, a loud voice was heard. It was a familiar female voice. We both heard this familiar voice.

However, unlike Aria, who couldn't remember no matter how hard she tried, Xiao Ai knew who the voice was.

Now, Xiao Ai heard the voice of the other party talking to him.

The next time, Xiao Ai thought of running away as soon as possible. And this idea quickly turned into a passion.

Finally, Xiao Ai's legs were too heavy to take a single step forward.

Aria didn't think about anything, and when she didn't think about anything, a light flashed in her heart.


That was the memory of Aria, who couldn't understand why she wanted to rest, and opened her head as she moved her fingers like onion skins.

The terrible destruction inflicted on her by the shapeless man made Arya consider suicide and self-destruction.

I want my face shaved, my arms broken, my internal organs surrounded with hot iron rods...

All forms of harmful head shaking are illuminated and loud.

At the same time, Xiao Ai also answered the stranger.

What will Sister Wu Xia do, I said before, I know and decide, but this should be under your control, why does it seem like a shipwreck? ?



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