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第93章 可能性

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The angel's eyes looked at the monster again.

This time it wasn't a look of fear or panic.

His eyes were thick as ice, filled with cold light.

The other man raised his gun, aimed, and began firing.

Orange flames shot out of its mouth, and the monster was hit by a bullet in the smell of gun smoke.

His arms, legs, heart and even his eyelids were hit by Malaika's bullets.

To animals, these weak attacks are toys.

However, even if it is a toy, these features should always be present when playing.

In fact, monsters react differently when attacked.

However, this is not his opinion.

Snow should be the most dangerous to damage, but as strong as a superhero's armor.

When Angel's bullet hit my eye, it didn't make a sound, but it sounded like an air gun hitting a metal plate.

The bullet could not penetrate the weakest eye, and the bullet, having lost its power, fell to the ground.

There are no white spots on the victim's eyelids.

Completely intact.

However, pared to the consequences of other bullets, hitting the eye may not be the worst oute.

For example, a fired weapon not only penetrated, but also appeared to hit something in the medium of thought, and when it hit a monster, the bullet actually fired. It es out in 30 minutes.

This caused Nancy to focus on fighting the monster and getting closer.

The bullet he was about to fire would have gone through Nancy's neck.

Angel, where are you going?

Malaika's gun pierced her friends' legs, and blood spurted.


Admit it, it's not that kind of magic. In fact, it should be the simplest magic, not the magic of possessing the immortal bodies of the oldest gods.

You won't encounter enemies not because they have Achilles' immortality, but because their attacks are too weak.

For example, didn't the woman with supernatural powers use her own hands to cause harm?



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