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大家在看修罗剑神 重生战神杨戬 都市魔尊奶爸 我的宠物能穿越 我的徒弟都是大反派 大道神主 凡人宗门:称霸诸天万界 武神签到开始 铁血斥侯 人这种生物一旦不会死会有多无聊 
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第89章 乌尔塔尔

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Anlov realized this and realized that the other person wanted to show that he and his conversation were in the hands of the lord. world.

Are there differences within the same God, and are those differences still strong?

Realizing this, Anlov's anger grew in his heart.

You should also be more determined in your work, which is definitely a good trait if you are far from the gods.

When Veronica finished speaking, she continued.

It's not your words that Dunia wants to see. Therefore, you must act and correct your mistakes.

When the other person finished speaking, Anlov realized that he too could not control the barrier, and immediately entered the real world, as if the barrier, the root of the barrier, rejected him.

He hit the ground hard and as a god it really hurt.

Can we seize the power of God's kingdom? In fact, he was a new god, different from gods like me, born hundreds of years ago and transformed from the most powerful ancient gods.

Mimir, a wise giant, ends the age of the gods. He witnessed this fate before the gods were diminished by human worship and he made the change to bee the first new god.

But as a new god you seem to have lost your "omniscient" personality haha otherwise how can you give it a chance?

Let the final carnival begin!

During the night he does tricks.

Anlov may not be as powerful as the World or Veronica, but he has something more powerful than them and that is external support.

All under the supervision of the golden horse. On the other hand, God's Wall is a little trick you can use if you're not paying attention.

But Veronica is right about the need and need to act.

Angel Wait is still at home, her husband is standing in front of her with a rope tied.

At this time, Bana could not even speak, but fought in vain.



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