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大家在看邪世帝尊 最强妖祖 吞天记 我虽然资质差,但是我寿命长啊 承天传 重生:开局成为大魔尊 武神签到开始 九御神帝 穿越之我的手机好强大 半截入土:却给我曹贼系统? 
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第85章 奇怪的事件

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Me: Hello! Is this kit still available?

Golden Horse: You can actually create your own design before you collect it. Of course, it's up to you if you want to save the plot or not, hehehe.

You oppress people.

When he woke up in the morning, he angrily said that his insults must have hurt.

Even though Angel is not a detective or an actor, he is still boring.

Another looked at God but received only an expression of indifference.

Perhaps human anger is not important to the gods. Human emotions are not to be discussed with God.

If you are truly God, your meaning will probably appeal to people like watching a TV show.

Seriously, you couldn't ask for something more meaningful? It is strange when God requires the faith of men. Then God will do a miracle for people and if they are religious they will be saved.

However, such good things are not possible, and miracles are far from man.

God will not do anything to people because God does not trust them and does not need them.

At least he can act like a fool on stage to get God's attention and hope like a pet dog.

But if this world was created by Trojan horses, wouldn't things be different?

Without a doubt, this place can be called a miraculous place. God is necessary for laws that do not exist in this world. Do the gods want to send miraculous help to mankind?

The angel was very interested in this, but when he saw the gods in front of him, he realized that regardless of the human world, it was difficult for humans to understand the thoughts of the gods.

Communication with the gods is no different from a disaster.

Disasters, disappointments, and calamities created by God are not the fault of people, and if God is alive and faith is necessary to live, then fear is naturally the first thought of man, and it is natural. people's first belief. Be strong and it must be great faith. Let faith be the beginning and end of so-called fear and despair.



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