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第82章 德尔弗斯

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But that shame is not dangerous.

You scared me from the beginning and I was so sad that I didn't want you to see me.

I felt relaxed and not scared.

Aria spoke boldly, and Amy realized she wasn't lying.

Current fear and past fear are different concepts, and the shadow of youth is not enough to pletely eliminate its influence.

However, it wasn't difficult for a powerful mage to ignore these effects for a while, but Aria wasn't doing that this time.

Aria didn't want to be mind controlled unnecessarily.

It's great to have control over your mind and will, but it's about controlling your heart and mind. There is nothing worse than that.

Yes, don't worry. Are you satisfied?

Aaliyah's sister Amy acts like a little girl, like she's talking to a baby, and is obviously sweet, but she's full of a wink. smiles

Of course, you came here to experience it, and nothing but yourself can get the character of this place, for example.

In other words, it must be a creature whose internal organs cannot be prevented from simultaneously ing out of this wall, or it must have a skull, hair, etc. Maybe if it's something you can't see. curse

In that case, it can't be stopped by a barrier, so it's probably a gem or a magic book.

When the words "magic book" were read and Amy put on the accent, Aria seemed to ignore it, but she said it on the other end with a smile.

Are you kidding or could the magic book be real or something?

Amy was joking, but Aria couldn't help but laugh.

yes? It looks like a magic book, but maybe I lost my magic book? Or was he tricked by the old master of the magic book?

What Amy was talking about was mostly for magicians.

New magicians often do not have enough knowledge to create their own spellbooks. Even if you understand it well, you still don't differentiate between some apocryphal books that contain magic books and those that don't.



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