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第79章 Zoqliphoth

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After thinking about it, Azathoth's book released the magic power.

That magical power overcame Aria's darkness and freed her mind from negative emotions.

His human eyes were also looking at Azathoth's book.

No gifts. This thing itself is the ultimate gift. If you need another,

That is not true, Mr. President.

There is something very sad written in the Book of Azathoth.

This caused Aliya to take the book and throw it away.

This is a novel called ``The Great Demon King''.

He only read it once, so he didn't regret throwing it away.

However, before the book lands on Azathoth, it falls to the ground and bees weaker, to a great effect.

you are angry


Aria looked at the Azathoth book in her left hand. This is a magic bullet that has pleted the power building stage and is ready to fire.

The Book of Azathoth doesn't seem to understand this and seems blind.

So I'm going to give you a little secret gift.

The words of the gift gave Alya strength.


Yes, this is a gift they will surely love.

The words of Azathoth's book are full of evil.

However, Aria has no ill feelings.

Instead, he placed his first hope in the words of the Book of Azathoth.

He knows very well that the other person does not have good intentions, but he expects something in return from the other person.

This magical book also exists, and its concept is different from ordinary people.

His approval was not very good, and even cutting off an arm would be considered a good deed.

yes? looking forward to it.

Don't you really want to die? Did I not say that magic is a hole, an interesting hole, and then, looking at it, magic is a lure from which people cannot escape?

Aria seemed to understand what the man wanted to say.

So how do you make your dreams e true?



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