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第71章 照亮荒凉的虚无

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Then, the wings were formed by magic, and it became a terrible sword in the sky, and with the power to crush the holy demons, it suddenly fell to the ground, and there was a huge black sword. Darkness rose above. The sword was everywhere like moonlight and cold like ice.

Bailong felt a wave of magic power behind him, the dragon's wings moved, and a strong wind blew, shattering the sky and the earth. And suddenly a very bright light burst into the sky, as if divine energy was destroying the world. And the world was immediately destroyed. .

The lightsaber collided with the power of a god, and the power to crush demons collided with the strength of a god. In an instant, various magical winds simultaneously blew countless trees and debris into the sky, being weapons of destruction. Death falls from the sky.

Those who do not respect this will soon bee Buddhas.

Suddenly, the whole forest bees unhealthy, and the living animals fear the conflict between the two, run away in fear, or die as a result of the conflict between the two.

Suddenly, the dragon's tail struck with such force that it seemed to split the air, and the dragon's tail flew into the sky like a meteorite. The sheep covered it with force, and the strong wind blew Aria's body away.

The dragon's tail had not yet unfolded, but the strong wind turned into an invisible whip, and soon the red marks disappeared from the body, and the strong wind licked the clothes, and some places the ends are torn. , red skin marks, open skin and flesh wounds are very dangerous.

The dragon's tail hit him with a strong wind, like a gun attached to a gun, and suddenly he was shot, flew ten kilometers, and his life crashed into the rock, instantly destroyed. The stones are approximately 10 meters long, and it takes 30 people to pack the stones into pieces.



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