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第61章 尤戈特

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Aria didn't want to answer, usually her answer was in a childish tone, the woman's body is fruit and sugar, the smell of fruit is normal.

If he is a magician, Pochi will only give this answer if he is hungry, inviting people to find food, just like the voice of Jukwei (note 1) who gives the right answer if he is hungry. . It's the same.

I had never run that far when I saw a drunken man walking around, and I wondered where he was, whether he was a man or not. That was a great question.

Aria drew her gun, went behind the bartender, stretched out like a mando, and pointed the cold knife at the bartender, slashing through exposed skin, cold metal, and...a sickening voice The car alerted the drinker to what was happening, and the smell of alcohol disappeared pletely.

Please don't kill me, I'm not one of those animals, I'm human, please don't kill me.

It is not a good idea to stay in the same open place for a long time, making constant noise and thinking that it is a village of animals.

Aria saw the distance of the strong man, and the light was so bright pared to the ground that the heavy rain washed away her breath. Of course, there is no problem even if it is hard to find.

Aria seemed to be thinking of a way to jump onto the stage.

He had to hide there, Aria told him to enter the void.

Well, I don't really agree with your opinion. So if you have something to say, say it quickly and say it quietly.

Aria stepped back, the gun aimed at him, a cold glare focused on him. The invisible bullets were too much for the drunk who wounded his arm.

Although he was drunk, the visibility was not very good due to the lack of light, and there seemed to be a motion, so he had no idea where Aaliyah was going.

With a killing intent that is not heavenly, the drunk man realizes that another person has the power to turn him into a Buddha at any time.



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站内强推神域帝宗 剑啸仙宗 武侠模拟器我在武侠世界挂机躺平 拾级而上青云 龙头 大唐开局找李世民退婚 仙途之符运通天 裂天空骑 漫威之骑士 仙道摘星 盛宠蜜爱:军少的18岁甜妻 快穿我在位面搞事业 名柯:对不起,我是卧底! 三世魂:我要飞升当仙帝 慢穿:在各个小世界里疯狂囤货 异界变革录:腹黑魔女妖王宠 天玄剑神 悬案九阕 影帝太腹黑:妖精,别太撩 燕子声声里 
经典收藏七界武神 手捏大地境,你说你才刚修炼? 重生之异族崛起 地宙五主 我是万古妖孽 反派:开局三年之期,修罗回归 西游:开局绑定白骨精 玄幻:误入异世界,觉醒最强铭纹 奥泽大世界 玄幻:操纵时空流速,我剑开天门 别搞,我是人,魔尊是啥玩意儿? 盘龙之圆满之上 富贵修仙传 气荡沧溟 寂寥江湖 九极天灵神 荒古血帝 全民修仙开局我有一套神秘系统 魔教圣女:我相公竟然是绝世剑神 浊世第一仙 
最近更新我就开个店,门口全是巨龙等投喂 它来了,我的无敌领域系统来了 大爱之仙尊九转 叫我魔主 女帝悔婚让我爬,我变悍匪你哭啥 你们再脑补,我真成大帝了! 穿梭万界,我收集各色女神 万古炼神录 人世剑 裁决之剑 逆仙伐神,从一只妖开始 不是吧?才一岁你让我带家族逆袭? 序列大巫,横扫诸天 玄幻:签到一百天,出世已无敌 我,玄学大佬,靠算卦横扫豪门! 重生之李明的玄幻逆袭之旅 我自混沌而来,于当世问鼎绝巅 重生黑毛野猪:开局就吞单人旁 穿越异世界,遍地都是穿越者 修行返还,我靠师妹内卷成大帝 
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