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第58章 埃尔德里西亚

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Can a child who hears this say that he is an adult? Anyway, I answered the phone, went to a children's rights organization to plain about evil adults using beautiful children as workers, and the day went by as I apologized.

The thought pletely disgusted her and Aria just stared into the mirror. It was a young woman with dark hair wearing children's clothes. Even the blind cannot see properly because he is there. He looks like a boy but he has the behavior of a girl, he is not a pervert who likes to fall in love and is bad.

He thought he was disappointed again, but it seemed like it was the first time, and since it always happened to Aaliyah, who had been unemployed for the past month, he dismissed the bad thoughts. They have more time than children, no difference.

Aria has never been a good person since she changed from a boy to a girl in her previous life. Fate did not create any magic that would allow him to prevent his reincarnation. Aria thought about him. Did he use mind transfer magic after finding a body he was satisfied with? But the problem is that at that moment, the mother does not know if the child will be a boy or a girl, and this is her decision, so she must think about it carefully.

It is said that in his past life, before his spiritual transformation, he only learned magic on his own, relying on a manuscript of ``Secrets of the Dead. Third rate is also a word that means third part, but when such a weak child was not born, Aria's first idea ended in failure.

Of course, even if she succeeds, Aria's personality will be pletely destroyed, and she will realize how bad her magic was in her previous life.

He held his limp body and answered the phone like a puppy, dialing a number he had never called before.

After a while, the phone finally connected.



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