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第53章 Nyktos的中心

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He opened the book to the second page. There was a page of folded lists filled with portraits of the main characters of this ic novel. The name of the main character Lin Peng also took my breath away.

When Lin Peng breaks, it means "Liu Meng", which means it could be his sixth life identity.

But... how can I write the story of my 6th life in my 5th life?

297, return to the origin

The assistant personally sent Fang Mu's design and necklace. He was very worried about Fang Mu's health. Seeing that Fan Mu was weak, he anxiously asked if Fan Mu had eaten anything, to which Fan Mu replied casually. Otherwise, he immediately asked Fang Mu to wait where he was while he ran to the kitchen to cook.

Fang Wu ignored the figure busy in the kitchen. Others were able to find exactly what they put in various cupboards. This wasn't the first time he went home. He already knew everything about the house and knew it well.

Fang Mu didn't read the ics about "Lin Sen"'s past right away. Instead, he picked up the necklace and looked dumbfounded.

This is a half black jade pendant. He should be able to piece together half of the black jade that Fang Mu received in his first life.

China and the Aztec region are thousands of kilometers apart, and this elaborately carved black jade is estimated to be 5,000 years old. 5,000 years ago, in an era of technological backwardness, this black jade was not only made using techniques that are difficult to reproduce with modern craftsmanship, but also how it was transported across the mountains and oceans of other countries. It has also been clarified why it was discovered. same. More incredible.

The black jade half piece found in the first life was found among the rubble in the second life, so Fang Mu was actually paying attention to the source of the black jade half piece, but he pleted it. I didn't see it after. plete experience. Second Life Black Jade, even the last fragment was placed in a box alone. Apparently, Black Jade was not in his heart and was treated as "Fan Lin" by others after his death.



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