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第48章 潜伏的威胁

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“I’m sorry, I’m so rude just now.” Juan Mu was a little embarrassed and blushed a little. In addition to the smell of muddy water and sweat, I also smelled a strange frog. Now that he was relaxed, he turned pale as he remembered, apparently having accidentally killed a bunch of frogs by sitting and stepping on them, and his hiking boots and clothes still had small pieces of flesh and body fluids on them. There is a possibility.

Wei Jiang showed her the direction of the toilet and taught her how to use it. Fang Mu thanked him, bowed his head and quickly went into the bathroom.

Twenty minutes later, Juan Mu came out of the bathroom with his correct attitude back. He was wearing a cheap light blue polo shirt and khaki pants. He once again expressed his gratitude to Ling Ling and Wei Jiang, saying, ``Thank you. Thank you for helping me with the clothes.''

I don't know if it was a psychological effect or not, but I felt much more energetic and energetic after taking a bath and changing my clothes. He felt more energetic than when he woke up from a long sleep after a hard day's work. He didn't seem to have any idea, even though he remembered his previous terrifying experience in the cave. What a scary thing...The bathing shower gel from this shop has a unique scent that smells like a herbal medicine, like a mixture of some kind of plants, and just smelling it makes me feel good. Masu. easily with

"Not enough," Linlin said with a smile.

“I will pay for these clothes.” Fang Mu said seriously, and took out the mobile phone card from the broken mobile phone with a little embarrassment, “Could you lend me your mobile phone? Login. "Software, we'll send the money to you."

``There's no cost for clothes.'' Ling Ling playfully nodded and replied, ``I don't mind someone else's funeral clothes.''



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站内强推神域帝宗 重生六零:媳妇是神医 开局三亩地,我在无尽海域当大佬 龙头 修仙从仙丹入体开始 混不好回家继承魔帝之位 先婚后爱:少将的迷糊小老婆 漫威之骑士 穿越小萌妃:腹黑王爷请留步 透视不赌石,你又在乱看 为龙之道 威武不能娶 一步登仙 从武警新兵开始当教员 艾泽拉斯死亡轨迹 赛点 斗神尊 在异世界致富的日子 变成少女欺诈师后骗了病娇怎么办 杨戬重生之都市归来 
经典收藏七界武神 重生之异族崛起 地宙五主 反派:开局三年之期,修罗回归 西游:开局绑定白骨精 武神赵树传 玄幻:操纵时空流速,我剑开天门 别搞,我是人,魔尊是啥玩意儿? 我是魔魔魔魔魔魔魔魔魔魔魔魔魔 盘龙之圆满之上 富贵修仙传 仙道境 伪科学的御兽日记 开局一扇门,全靠自己抢 气荡沧溟 寂寥江湖 九极天灵神 我可以看见机缘 全民修仙开局我有一套神秘系统 玄幻:我靠被动横推万古 
最近更新裁决之剑 蜇灭 都穿越了当然做魔头 穿越后老夫居然成了柳如烟? 君风 以食证道,吃! 玄幻:白月光抢婚?我同意你后悔什么! 恐怖,鬼故事合集 不会魔法,但我有禁魔骑士 异界三国之皇图霸业 清净仙 爆笑鬼差的奇葩捉鬼录 逆仙伐神,从一只妖开始 让你当个二代侯,你一剑斩仙人? 不是吧?才一岁你让我带家族逆袭? 混沌签到,开局百万年修为 都成全宗唯一男弟子了,靠师姐躺平有问题吗 重生之李明的玄幻逆袭之旅 修行返还,我靠师妹内卷成大帝 吃饭就变强,从杂毛鸟进化灭世金乌 
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