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大家在看邪世帝尊 最强妖祖 开局成为峰主,打造万古不朽仙门 都市魔尊奶爸 传奇从败给天道开始 总裁爹地太傲娇 玄幻剧本:我为天命大反派 重生成龟:开局被孙大圣捡到 穿越之我的手机好强大 半截入土:却给我曹贼系统? 
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第43章 摩根博士

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Li Jian'an went down the stairs in silence for a while and walked step by step toward the campus gate.

Before leaving the gates of Kisaragi High School, Kaken couldn't help but look back at the school.

Upon investigation, it was discovered that the floor of this high school was covered with a green substance, and the school building was gradually covered with a gray mist. It looked like a tombstone and was filled with black smoke. , sneaky and mysterious.

Maybe the rumor that Kisaragi High School was built on a mass grave is not just a legend...

This is also the first time He Jian has set foot on the streets of a different world city. The scenery outside the school is sparser and crazier than inside the school. Part of the road is connected with unknown flesh and blood, trembling on the ground, the trembling heart is exposed inside the animal, as if it were a giant, and all the dummies and sculptures that cover the streets and alleys of the city are his ``We are monitoring the movements of the people,'' which is strange. eye

Animals in other worlds are like hungry wolves. They saw a hunter with a gun who lived in the Forest of Flesh and Blood. Perhaps they were afraid of getting hurt. Or maybe he wasn't hungry enough to go crazy and risk everything. So they waited patiently for the hunters to slowly disappear. In the forest, he finally couldn't resist and collapsed.

Of course, they may be waiting for the hunger to end. This is when instinct swallows reason and you rush forward desperately trying to tear the animal apart.

If you hear the animal sounds and feel the animal's fear, you will get more delicious food. Moreover, your taste buds in their hungriest state will be pletely released, allowing you to have the most perfect dining experience.

Li Jian carefully walked through the bodies and blood on the streets and the occasional swamp. He clearly knew that these things were connected to the main body of the catastrophe that almost engulfed the entire world. Once you touch it, you may not incur the wrath of a foreign god. However, just like mosquitoes that bother people, humans unconsciously and instinctively kill mosquitoes that land on their hands, even if they are not angry.



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站内强推神域帝宗 豪门婚宠:兽性老公夜夜撩 快穿之好孕娇软美人 股市奇才 我在东厂当大佬 重生七零之神医娇妻 裂天空骑 漫威之骑士 黑神话,悟空! 盛宠蜜爱:军少的18岁甜妻 重生八零之娇妻有毒 极品捡漏王 解封了一只老树妖 永镇仙魔 末世重生之生化尖兵 黑暗中的玉佩 修仙:我在丹田种棵树 杨戬重生之都市归来 悬案九阕 江湖离庙堂有多远 
经典收藏七界武神 地宙五主 我是万古妖孽 反派:开局三年之期,修罗回归 西游:开局绑定白骨精 武神赵树传 玄幻:误入异世界,觉醒最强铭纹 奥泽大世界 别搞,我是人,魔尊是啥玩意儿? 玄幻:超脱永恒,弟子打爆诸天 盘龙之圆满之上 富贵修仙传 仙道境 伪科学的御兽日记 反派不嚣张跋扈,那不是白无敌了 寂寥江湖 九极天灵神 我可以看见机缘 全民修仙开局我有一套神秘系统 魔教圣女:我相公竟然是绝世剑神 
最近更新云天武帝 大爱之仙尊九转 女帝悔婚让我爬,我变悍匪你哭啥 穿梭万界,我收集各色女神 裁决之剑 都穿越了当然做魔头 不会魔法,但我有禁魔骑士 逆仙伐神,从一只妖开始 模拟:到处是穿越者,全都想我死 都成全宗唯一男弟子了,靠师姐躺平有问题吗 穿越后,我的科技震撼修仙界 穿越之盛唐爱恋 序列大巫,横扫诸天 玄幻:签到一百天,出世已无敌 重生之李明的玄幻逆袭之旅 系统无敌?我只想躺赢! 重生黑毛野猪:开局就吞单人旁 灵混沌傲世行 悟性逆天:我在万界顿悟无敌法 罢免我将军王?我直通大宗师! 
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