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第36章 暗影之舞

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Clark did not immediately return to the scene of Count Brebre's death, but instead came to Kander's room.

The one who gets the dry stone from all the shadows must go to Kander's room, pick up the dry stone and go inside after pleting the magic spell using Count Brebre's body . Perhaps some clues remain in Kander's room.

185 sand

Kander's room was much the same as the one he had seen yesterday. There didn't seem to be any signs of it being touched. However, when he opened the fake book sealed with stones, it was empty. The stone was indeed taken, and Bluebeard was broken. The stone carving of the Count's head is certainly taken from here.

At the same time, Clark didn't know if he was hallucinating or not, but he thought he smelled a faint smell, but it was very weak and suspicious.

To test this, Mr. Clark approached the fake book, which was actually a box, and carefully and forcefully inhaled it several times. He was convinced that the scent was ing from the surface of the box, and carefully felt the scent that touched the surface of the box with the back of his hand and the palm of his hand. When I touched it, I noticed that there was something oily on the surface of the box. This sticky feeling must e from some kind of skin care product that women use.

So, Hera?

Clark was familiar with this scent. For, on the first night after arriving at the castle, when Hera served him dinner, the two were so intimate that the same scent emanated from the other's body.

Closing the fake book and putting the things back in their places, Clark left Kander's room and walked toward Count Breve's room.

The castle was silent, and the sound of strong winds hitting the glass could be clearly heard, as if a group of demons were banging on the doors and windows. The sound of the wind passing through the gap was the strange howl of their invasion, and it was frightening.



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