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大家在看邪世帝尊 我虽然资质差,但是我寿命长啊 都市魔尊奶爸 武映三千道 总裁爹地太傲娇 大道神主 九御神帝 重生成龟:开局被孙大圣捡到 洪荒:我孔宣,绝不被任何人算计 半截入土:却给我曹贼系统? 
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第34章 背叛之网

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"He's too quick-witted to understand." Chen Xiaolin rolled his eyes and said, "It's no use saying anything. As for you, I've already saved you. Teacher Li, you. You said you were a rule follower first.'' Those who follow the principles of trade, I will help you, and you will help me. ”

"What do you want to do?" Li Duojin looked at the other person for a long time and finally sighed.

Hearing this, Chen Xiaolin also fell silent.

Li Duanen noticed that something was wrong with Chen Xiaolin's expression and was about to ask, but Chen Xiaolin finally spoke up: "Does your back hurt?"

Li Duanen was surprised. He couldn't help but look back. Finally, he adjusted the car's rearview mirror and turned it over his head. He unbuckled his seatbelt, took off the clothes on his back, and looked in his side mirror. return

There was a large burn mark on his back, and the burn mark formed a pattern similar to the surrender to the demonic world of the sky, a ritual pattern other than human sacrifice.

"Oji Jing? No, it's not him, it's the Upside-Down Creator, it's him!" When Li Duanen was fighting the Upside-Down Creator for Wang Zijing's soul in the interrogation room, the Upside-Down Creator's He remembered the tentacles scratching his back. During this time, it seems that the other person's corrosive mucus fell onto my back, and from this moment on, I was in a burning pain.

"Guess what I want to do now." Chen Xiaolin looked at the other person and said, "I want you to perform this ritual."

"Aren't you an idiot?" Li Duojin scolded, frowning.

“I’m not crazy, and I don’t really want you to do that. I’m just pretending.” Chen Xiaolin smiled casually, “Heavenly Demon is the most of the Inverted Creator. You said you were a 'filial' descendant, right? If you wanted to summon his mother, do you think she would show up? I was already thinking of making a sacrifice there.'' , Just me. ”



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最近更新悟空悟空! 大成圣体出棺,黑暗动乱你哭啥 爆改城隍神位,我是互联网之神 天地诀,唯我独尊 封神之逆天火龙 开局一座还珠楼 在修真界的逆袭 洪荒签到:盘古认兄,大魔神证道 胡曼特号 邪道戏世 万倍返还:徒弟筑基我直接成仙 擎天至尊 签到陆地神仙,开局直接谋反 玄幻:你说我堂堂仙尊是炮灰反派 拥有长生仙体的我,只想遨游诸天 斗战胜佛后传 穿越异界,杨博翻身把歌唱 开局被退婚,反手娶小姨子? 浊世清明 隐世神尊111 
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