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第28章 流沙

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Derek didn't want to sit around and wait for death. He gritted his teeth and left the boy in place, holding the dagger in his hand to keep him safe from the fish that might approach him at any moment.

A fish ran in front of him. Without thinking, Drake approached him. He studied jiu-jitsu for a while and threw the fishman to the ground. Then he saw the right moment and thrust the dagger into the fish. In an instant, bright red blood gushes out from the person's broken throat.

The moment he killed Murloc, Drake also realized that Murloc was not that different from humans. Even though they are affected by the power of the phantom nest, they are easily killed.

It was an almost bloody battle, and the three men and the fishmen were pletely killed.

After the shooting ended, Drake lost consciousness and fell to the ground, with the bodies of Yu Lianyun and Li Nuowei lying next to him. Even if the life force of the fish were weakened by the power of Eikan's nest, ordinary people without physical strength would not be able to withstand such a large-scale attack, and would be killed by the fish one after another.

Drake took one last look at the innocent boy, who was still unconscious in the pool of unholy blood. He felt a little regret in his heart. It was a shame that we couldn't bring this child back. If only his parents knew their missing son was still alive. , you should be very happy.

He was feeling a little weak, so he trembled and raised his knife, pointing it at his neck as he watched the fishman quickly approach him.

``If I can't choose how I'm born, I'd like to at least let me choose how I die,'' thought Derek, and without hesitation he thrust the knife into his throat.

And right after half the knife was inserted into his neck, he tried to pull it out, trying to drain the blood from the broken artery, but before he could take his last breath, he felt a force grip his hand.



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