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第24章 破碎的预言

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Suddenly I felt someone maliciously blow into my ear, and a cold wind carrying the smell of fish from the sea made my left ear feel cold. He immediately sat up shivering.

When I opened my eyes again, the world seemed to change color. Everything in front of him was pitch black. From the dark underground in front of him, he heard the low roar of an unknown animal. Below him seemed to fall into the cold abyss of the underworld and sin.

Derek's breath suddenly became short and he found himself forgetting to breathe for a moment, like a newborn baby. It wasn't until a hand next to me slapped me on the back that I remembered that I had forgotten how to breathe. Survival instincts gasp with greed.

The hand that suddenly slapped my back didn't feel very good, but the feel and temperature was familiar. Derek asked, “Li Nuowei?”

"It's me." Li Nuowei agreed and turned on the flashlight function on her phone. The light is intentionally shined from below the chin to create an eerie atmosphere. It seems like he really went to hell.

Derek was speechless at the childish behavior and the other person. He also took his cell phone with him to light his way home.

They were now at the top of a staircase surrounded by thick walls.

Apparently, the earlier act of prayer allowed him to pass through the tunnel wall and reach this point.

Is this air raid shelter part of history? Drake lights up his surroundings with his flashlight. The walls were divided into white and green, much like the World War era style in terms of art form.

"Maybe." Li Nuowei shook her head, but she wasn't 100% sure about this.

Derek and Li Nuowei quickly went down the stairs, but an unpleasant low tone continued to be heard in their ears. The two walked forward in silence, feeling each other's anxious heartbeats.



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站内强推神域帝宗 重生六零:媳妇是神医 开局三亩地,我在无尽海域当大佬 拾级而上青云 龙头 混不好回家继承魔帝之位 先婚后爱:少将的迷糊小老婆 漫威之骑士 透视不赌石,你又在乱看 为龙之道 威武不能娶 一步登仙 从武警新兵开始当教员 艾泽拉斯死亡轨迹 赛点 斗神尊 在异世界致富的日子 变成少女欺诈师后骗了病娇怎么办 命运之深爱不悔 打狗棍在肩上扛,宿主她是真疯狂 
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