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第16章 堕落的盟友

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Two different melodies kept colliding deep in his heart, and Xin Junmao felt like his brain was constantly expanding. At one moment he felt like he was the sound of nature, and at other moments he felt like the groaning of an evil ghost. Those two sounds were pressing against his rational diaphragm like crazy. I want to enter his soul.

However, despite the fierce attack of these two powerful musical magic powers, I was surprised that Xin Junmao did not die. The wall of reason was always high and impregnable. The two musical forces were unable to penetrate his supposedly fragile defense line.

Although Xin Junmao's ears heard a "noise," his eyes were filled with the beauty of the cheongsam in front of him.

At that moment, I once again felt the beauty of the Chinese dress. Her beauty was enough to rock the world and make people forget everything and ignore everything.

Therefore, Xin Junmao forgot about the danger of the environment, pletely ignored the twisted and strange environment, and only looked at the woman.

I thought I would be able to listen to an elegant and fortable concert, but it looks like I won't have a chance. The hands of the beautiful woman in the white cheongsam are sometimes too thin and longer than her face, and sometimes as thin and slender as a ghost's hand. , Such a strange hand fascinated Xin Junmao, allowing the other party's sharp fingertips to gently stroke his face, leaving a trace of blood.

The Chinese-dress beauty's fingers gently opened the other person's forehead, moved from the forehead to the cheeks, and finally landed on the nape of the neck. With a gentle gesture, he opened a deep wound on Xin Junmao's neck. It was red, but the injury was not fatal. He looked at Xin Junmao, who was staring at him blankly, and said with a smile: “Would you like to e visit my house?”



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