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大家在看开局十连抽然后无敌 邪世帝尊 最强妖祖 开局成为峰主,打造万古不朽仙门 都市魔尊奶爸 总裁爹地太傲娇 重生成龟:开局被孙大圣捡到 洪荒:开局单挑十大妖神!前文 人这种生物一旦不会死会有多无聊 半截入土:却给我曹贼系统? 
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第13章 扭曲的森林

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The first chairman of a mysterious society appeared 50 years ago. At that time, the Hokusho Tunnel had not yet opened and it was still an unknown mountain. When we took our members camping and picnicking in Arayama, where the Hokusho Tunnel is located, one of the members happened to discover a suspicious cave in the mountain.

Led by the chairman and brave club people, they decide to explore deep into the cave. By chance, they discovered a bottomless pit beneath the cave. They went all the way up the spiral staircase. After many hours, they finally reach the basement, where they find a tomb inscribed with unknown runes. In one of the tombs, an altar with ancient books was discovered inside, and the shocking photographs and texts revealed "advanced" knowledge about ancient disasters.

Relying on their intelligence and amazing perseverance, these people, later deciphered from ancient books of pufferfish, left behind rituals that granted wishes by making deals with the pufferfish, a race of extradimensional life. They tried to perform the ritual... Some were frightened by the strange phenomena that appeared during the ritual, but they will never forget the joy of having their wish e true.

It is a pity that it turned out that this ritual is performed only once in a lifetime.

In order to share this secret, the first president decided to pass it down from generation to generation within the club. However, as time passed, and in the generation of Mrs. Huang Qitao and Mrs. Li Jiahong, the president was a romantic, so there was no time to pass on to the next president. , died according to the will he had made, and society ended.

Huang Qishao looked at old maps at a local library in Shenzhou and pared them many times to confirm that the mountaintop where the Beixiang Tunnel is located is the same mountain that the first president and others explored at the time. However, a tunnel had already been developed in this cave. Hidden in a landfill.



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最近更新裁决之剑 都穿越了当然做魔头 不会魔法,但我有禁魔骑士 随风飘扬的蒲公英 序列大巫,横扫诸天 皇朝混乱?问过老祖我了吗! 蒙冤后退宗,师尊师姐都气哭了 系统无敌?我只想躺赢! 说好办私塾,你教出剑仙武圣? 重生黑毛野猪:开局就吞单人旁 逆天双修途 三界传奇之混沌天命 洪荒:通天之子,我能玩转词条 悟性逆天:我在万界顿悟无敌法 罢免我将军王?我直通大宗师! 荒神帝 九转金丹炉第2部 掌中世界之破局 天命大仙医 我家后山是仙界 
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