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第8章 未知的面纱

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In the center of the Abyssal Library, stood Eliandra, trapped in the secret universe she had revealed. He felt a growing sense of dread, as if the library itself was something evil, play through his mind. In the absence of understanding, the emotional gap grows, a crisis that seems impossible to erase.

As the minutes stretched into eternity, he remained deep in the library, enjoying his revelation. They were held captive in the Abyssal Library, and the mysterious librarian remained silent, their presence a constant reminder of the library's evil.

In Chapter 1, the stage is set for Eliandra's terrifying journey into the heart of the Abyssal Library, where a forbidden tome contains inprehensible cosmic secrets. The emotional gulf of curiosity and disfort is woven into the story, and the oppressive atmosphere of the library creates a palpable sense of dread. This history serves as a record of the events that took place, a testament to the impartial and detailed style of historical recording that characterizes R'lyehxia's local history.

**Chapter 2: The Forbidden Tome**

In the year of the Immortal City of Silica, Eliandra, Coralis' assistant, finds herself trapped within the confines of the Abyssal Library. The bad reputation of the library, defined by its unique structure, became its unrelenting reality.

The librarian, a man whose flesh is united with the library's coral, is guided deep into its depths. They moved in silence, the only sound being the muffled chatter of shifting shelves.

Eliandra was taken to a special volume, bigger and scarier than the others. He paused for a moment, allowing his eyes to follow the mysterious writing on its page. Librarians, the epitome of librarian evil, do not speak, but their intentions are clear. With trembling hands, Eliandra reached out and touched the pages of the volume.



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站内强推鸿蒙霸体诀 黑神话,悟空! 和闺蜜穿成豪门女配后带球跑了 重生年代:神医娇妻有空间 四合院:阎解旷的潇洒人生 重生1958:发家致富从南锣鼓巷开始 开局三亩地,我在无尽海域当大佬 诡纹 重生晚点没事吧 修仙从仙丹入体开始 混不好回家继承魔帝之位 仙途之符运通天 四合院之多子多福的老何 不做权臣外室,我只想种田 仙道摘星 神魂丹圣 重回过去从放牧开始 极品小渔夫 艾泽拉斯死亡轨迹 赛点 
经典收藏七界武神 重生之异族崛起 地宙五主 我是万古妖孽 反派:开局三年之期,修罗回归 西游:开局绑定白骨精 武神赵树传 玄幻:操纵时空流速,我剑开天门 永光纪 盘龙之圆满之上 富贵修仙传 仙道境 伪科学的御兽日记 无尽之地,起源 气荡沧溟 寂寥江湖 九极天灵神 跑出天际 玄幻:我靠被动横推万古 魔教圣女:我相公竟然是绝世剑神 
最近更新悟空悟空! 大成圣体出棺,黑暗动乱你哭啥 爆改城隍神位,我是互联网之神 降临游戏:我继承了唯一职业 封神之逆天火龙 妖武帝 胡曼特号 邪道戏世 从废材到仙尊:林瑶的逆袭 大道神修 擎天至尊 签到陆地神仙,开局直接谋反 穿越之我在仙界做大佬 生子获得修为?那我就不客气了 拥有长生仙体的我,只想遨游诸天 斗战胜佛后传 仙帝落凡尘 穿越游戏世界,但是蜥蜴开局 浊世清明 长尽河畔 
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