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大家在看我有一尊炼妖壶 都市透视医仙 最强妖祖 吞天记 我虽然资质差,但是我寿命长啊 我的宠物能穿越 大道神主 全球游戏化:神级内测玩家 斗罗大陆4终极斗罗(斗罗大陆IV终极斗罗) 重生成龟:开局被孙大圣捡到 
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第7章 沉没城市的中心

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It was a turbulent time

The time here is fractured and unstable, creating the strangeness of a strange time. Guests can meet the ghosts of their ancestors or see the dark side of the future. Unprecedented events can be disruptive, and enclave activity transmits vibrations over time, disrupting history and the future.

A stupid word

Communication in the Maelstrom Enclave is not easy. Many times the people of this country speak in a language that the people do not understand. Understanding these strange words requires a deeper understanding of the madness prevalent in this country. Mastering stupid language can ruin your purity, but it can help you discover the hidden truths of the universe.

A bad product

Remnants and unknown objects were scattered throughout the Whirlpool enclave. These awesome artifacts have the power to distort reality, but their use can be destructive. The punch that captures forbidden information straight into the brain is a mirror that mirrors reality with a few examples.

The unspeakable truth.

Crazy Geometry: The fabric of space time is distorted in Lurasia. Cities and places seem to have been built by the imagination of mad architects. This path meets at a non-Euclidean angle, leading the traveler to an impossible path. The clouds in the sky are constantly changing into strange colors and mysterious shapes.

Crazy Plants: Laresia is full of gigantic plants, some of which seem to be associated with the tent of the evil leader Cthulhu. These chronic wrinkles can drive people crazy if touched or inhaled. In the cold screaming forest, the trees are whispering terrible secrets in their mouths.

Sea subsidence: This area is located in a large sea that is constantly under pressure from the weight of surface water. Ruluizia residents often pass through flooded chambers and tunnels hidden by strange sea creatures.



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