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大家在看无限之升级系统 末世危城 兽域无疆 快穿之给反派BOSS送温暖 穿越星际全能女王 我——机械师 电影穿梭神戒 系统也要谈恋爱 万灵主君 史上最强万界掠夺 
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第116章 32

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As a mother, Zhang Jiayi's heart is full of contradictions: she doesn't want these young women to be humiliated, and she doesn't want her family to starve.

Face, nose hair, tongue, mouth, under-eye hair, eyes, neck, hands, thighs, belly, buttocks, hands, toes, feet, ankles, knees, wrists, calves, nails, belly button, waist, arms . . ....

He kept saying this, and the more he said it, the weirder things got.

I didn't think it was monly used at the time. I didn't expect lightning to strike the rough foundation stone.

Long after that, these groups ceased to be truly multinational corporations. As soon as our helicopter landed we found the entrance to the cave. The zombie corpses lying on the ground are like road signs. Why is it so difficult? Zhang Hao nodded: "Remember, there are police on every street now, but no matter how many there are, they can't protect everything. Moreover, our city is located in the suburbs, so the risk is greater, so we must be prepared in advance. "

Chen Mo himself also came over, smiled when he heard the words, stretched out his hand to hold Wen Jiangang's hand, and said: "Thank you, there is no conflict between the interests of the Yanhuang lineage and my Xinkong lineage, and the strong cooperation will definitely succeed." Let us stabilize the current situation and move to the next level faster. Check the results of other teams and ask Zhao Youjin to see if we can get any useful information.

Liu Mingyu is not among Superman. As long as there is no problem, it can be solved immediately.

Such tasks naturally require elite awakening, and the number should not be too large. Therefore, from the few Level 4 awakenings in the military region, one with tracking side perception awakening and two with tracking side agility awakening were selected. mission acplished. Ouyang Lingfeng volunteered for this mission.



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